Buddy Program

Last year we decided to set up a Buddy Program due to online courses; we did not anticipate the level of success it had and as a result have decided to continue for the coming academic year! Are you a first (or upper) years student and are you looking for contact, someone to talk about the curriculum with, a study partner, glean more knowledge on life (or just the university) or are looking to do fun things with other people? Then maybe the Buddy Program is for you! The idea is to bring together two upper-year students with two first-year students of either the Chemistry Bachelor or (pre-)Master (you will need to be able to speak Dutch if you would like to be a mentor of a Bachelor’s student). You decide what activities you would like to do with your group, however, you are encouraged to bring them to an activity of the ACD! If you are interested in joining, please fill in the form below and we will try to find someone to pair you up with! If you happen to know who you’d like to be paired up with, please let us know!