To contact the ACD you can use the mailing address below. To contact a specific committee, check the ‘committees’-section in the main menu.
Phone: 020 – 525 7861 (available on weekdays from 12-13)
Mail general:
Mail companies:
Announcements for members: Whatsapp and Instagram (@amsterdamschemischdispuut)
Visiting address UvA:
Science Park 904
Room A0.09
1098 XH Amsterdam
Visiting address VU:
De Boelelaan 1085
Room WN-KA.371
1081 HV Amsterdam
Postal address:
Amsterdams Chemisch Dispuut (Room A0.09)
Postbus 94214
1090 GE Amsterdam
KvK: 40530501
BTW: NL806634376B01
IBAN: NL45 INGB 0000 1549 92