IMPORTANT: Booksale semester 2

Because of the transition to a new book supplier, and the end of the contract with our previous supplier that goes with it, the timespan to order your books for […]...

TU Delft excursion: Chemical Engineering

The second excursion of this year will take place on the campus of TU Delft itself. This time the section Chemical Engineering will be visited at 15:00. During the visit, […]...

Excursion Saltro 23 january

To start the year of well, we have an excursion planned for you! On the 23rd of january 14.00-16.00 we have an excursion for all of you to Saltro in […]...

Shell lecture 7 december

Dear members, On Friday the 7th of December Peter Klusener will come to our university to talk about Shell.  He will give us some insight about what it is like […]...

MAC activity: Game night

To get to know each other, the Master Activity Committee of the ACD will organize an old-fashioned (board) game night on Thanksgiving (Thursday, 22nd of November). Come and play your […]...

ACD on tour: Rotterdam 23 & 24 november 2018

The first edition of ACD on tour will take place on 23 & 24 November. The concept is to combine excursions to companies with a cultural activity and of course […]...

Excursion Baril Coatings 31 oktober

Wednesday 31 october we will go on an excursion to Baril Coatings! Baril Coatings is a developer and producer of high quality, industrial coatings and constructional paints, which are very sustainable. Baril delivers […]...

Behind the scenes @Amsterdam & ACID

CONNECT WITH THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY This year, the VNCI (Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry) celebrates its 100th anniversary! Do you want to see how the chemical industry in […]...

ACD symposium

After a long year waiting, the LEC is pleased to announce that there will be an upcoming symposium soon! The theme of the symposium this year is ‘Analysis and Chemistry […]...

Chemistry tour 2018 film

On 10 April 2018 Nobel prize winner Prof. Feringa visited the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Science. Chemistry students had the opportunity to ask him questions about his research and […]...