ACTIE! Indoor football

Get your football shoes ready, because next week on Wednesday the 15th of November the Activity Committee (ACTIE!) is hosting an indoor football activity at USC from 17:00! Get together […]...

Chemunity: Workshop Transferable Skills

It’s time for the first Chemunity activity of the year! UvA Student Career Centre is giving a workshop on transferable skills; How do you find out if you are suitable […]...

Orientation market

It’s time again for the first orientation market of the year. At this market, researchers from all kinds of research groups within the UvA and the VU come by to […]...

Mug decorating

🎨 Looking for a creative escape from your daily routine? Look no further! De Gezellie invites you to a cozy and artistic experience. 🌟 Come decorate mugs with us!! Grab […]...

ACD’er of the Year borrel

On November 3rd, the ACD’er of the Year borrel wil take place! Every year, the ACD rewards points to members for attendance at events, and for consumption during borrels or […]...

PhD Lunch Lecture

On Friday, November 3, the LEC is hosting a lunch lecture. There will be 3 speakers from different research groups, so if you are curious what kind of research is […]...


This week there won’t be a borrel in the brainwave (again ☹), but our lovely association room, also called Het Hok, will now be the place to be on Friday […]...


It’s already October and exam season is coming up, so this can only mean one thing: the yearly Kabouterborrel! It’s based off a simple concept: at this borrel you can […]...

ACDisco Birthday Party

On the 10th of November the party committee is organising an ACDisco party from 20:00 until 01:00 at Poesiat & Kater to celebrate the association’s 78th birthday! Grab your most […]...

Borrel in the Brainwave

On the 13th of October there will be another borrel in the Brainwave from 17:00 until 21:30. Join us to relax from a busy week of studying and start your […]...