On March 1st, there will be another borrel hosted by ABC at the Brainwave starting from 17:00. After a busy week of studying, it’s finally time to relax and enjoy […]...
ACTIE! Trampoline jumping
On Tuesday, March 12th, the ACTIE! invites all members to a fun evening of trampoline jumping at Jumpsquare Amsterdam! Practice your skills on the mat and do the coolest flips, […]...
Disco Borrel with Anguilla
On Wednesday, March 6th, we are organizing a disco-themed borrel together with Anguilla at the VU! ???? So be sure to come by and show off your best dance moves! […]...
Board information evening
Do you want to join the 79th board? Or are you curious about what the different board member do within their function? Do you want to know which function suits […]...
ONCS 2024
It is time for the Open Dutch Chemical Sports days (ONCS)! This edition will take place in Nijmegen on May 8th, 9th, and 10th, and the theme is The Show Must […]...
VU wall painting
???????? On February 29th at 3:00 PM, we invite you to a colorful party at the VU Hok! ???? Join us as we give the wall a vibrant transformation together! […]...
Company day
Do you want to orientate on what to do after your studies? Does working in a company seem interesting to you? Come to the Company day on Wednesday, February 21st, […]...
V.O.D.K.A Borrel
On the 16th of February it is time again for a special borrel: the Very Outrageous Discussion Knowledge Activity! For this borrel the ABC will do everything to scientifically prepare […]...
Carnaval Borrel
In the southern part of the country, they are starting the celebration of carnival again this weekend, a well-known Catholic folk festival. To get into the spirit, the ABC is […]...
Sister’s Pubquiz
It’s that time again! The ACD and CB invite all their sister associations for a fun evening of pubquizzing in Amsterdam on Friday, February 23rd, starting at 18:30! Do you […]...