Master borrel

Dear master students, On september 7th, a borrel will be organized at Maslow Café especially for you. Be there and meet your fellow master students!...

Information for new first-years

What is the Amsterdams Chemisch Dispuut? The Amsterdam Chemical Dispute (ACD) is the study association for students of the Bachelor Scheikunde and the Master of Chemistry in Amsterdam. The ACD […]...

ACD’er van de maand mei 2023: Gijs Rombouts

Voor de derde keer dit jaar is Gijs ACD’er van de maand geworden, gefeliciteerd! Het was een spannende strijd, maar omdat Gijs met zijn team ONCS spikeball heeft gewonnen, heeft […]...

Election GMM 2023

On Tuesday 20 June 2023, the Election General Members Meeting (ALV) will take place from 17.30 o’clock at Science Park in C0.010. Of course, dinner will already be available before […]...

Déjà VU Festival

On Thursday 15 June from 16.00 to 23.00, you are welcome to attend Déjà VU, the annual summer festival for the entire VU community! A festival on campus with something […]...

VU-UvA Beer Pong Festival

Tangle is organising a Beer Pong festival in collaboration with the VU and the UvA! On 22 June from 2 pm to 2 am, the roof will go off the […]...

FLUX Festival

FLUX is the last, and biggest event of the year! During this festival all of the associations will unite to create the biggest and best event of the year! During […]...

Pubquiz borrel

During this borrel, the ACTIE! has organised, together with the ABC, the Pubquiz borrel. There will be groups of players that can attend the Pubquiz and try to win it. […]...

Outside borrel

We are finally having a borrel outside! The assortment will be more limited than normally, but that doesn’t make it less fun. The borrel will start as usual at 5:00PM […]...