Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day (ACID) 2019

Chemists of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area organize an annual update on science and innovation on the Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day on 1 November 2019. This interactive network and workshop event informs you about the latest chemical developments and innovations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Furthermore, you will meet chemists from companies (from startup and SME to multinational) and academia, students as well as representatives of the Topsector Chemistry and National funding agency NWO. A great opportunity to find potential partners, research funding and/or future employees to accelerate your business.

We are proud to announce that General Manager EOG & Solvents at Shell Arthur Rots confirmed his key note contribution to the Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day on 1 November 2019. Rots will discuss the innovation process of ethylene glycol production from molecular level to global deployment. Together with Sander Woutersens’ contribution on the mysteries of water, the plenary session is expected to be a great start for a successful information and networking event.

Registration is open via the event website.

The program (English spoken) is:

12:00 Lunch, registration and posters*

12:50 Welcome by local host prof. Peter Bolhuis director HIMS-UvA

13:00 Arthur Rots (Shell) Innovation in Shell Chemicals and the Shell OMEGA Process

Prof. Sander Woutersen (UvA) “Biological” water and polyether solubility: mysteries solved

14.00 Coffee break

14.30 First round parallel sessions

  • Be aware of legislation
  • Valorization of scientific knowledge: initiatives at VU University
  • Friction and lubrication

15.15 Second round parallel sessions

  • Perspectives for PPP’s
  • Electrochemistry: current and potential at Amcel
  • Analyzing bio-active molecules: spectroscopy and spectrometry
  • Students meet Industry – special for BSc-, MSc- and PhD students

16:00 Poster session* and drinks

17:30 Dinner buffet

19:00 End

* Posters will be presented by academic and industrial researchers, and company recruiters


Van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Science
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904, Amsterdam


Participation is free of charge. For more information and registration go to the event website.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on November 1!