Wanted: Students With Ambition!
NWO Chemical Sciences organizes the Top Sector Chemistry Student Competition 2016, powered by the Top Sector Chemistry. Student teams from universities and universities of applied sciences are invited to submit ideas for creative research projects, focusing on societal or industrial challenges. The competition is open for chemistry students, but also for interdisciplinary teams with students in e.g. biology, physics, computer science, as long as the research question has a strong chemical component.
Are you a young, ambitious and creative student? Team up with your fellow students and act fast to write your research proposal (deadline 25 February 2016). Research projects take place in May-June 2016.
More information and Call for proposals: www.nwo.nl/studentcompetition
Contact: Varsha Kapoerchan, Phone 070 349 44 42, mailto:cwstudentcomp@nwo.nl